This past Mach, Peyton and I attended our very first ever Lionhead Nationals Show in Dalton, Ga. We didn’t walk away with any fabulous wins to speak of, but we definitely walked away with knowledge. We learned a lot about how to better groom our rabbits, and we experienced some things that we know to be better prepared for next time.
First of all I want to say that the LALRC Lionhead Club did an amazing job hosting this show! I got to meet so many new people in District 6 that we have looked up to for the past two years, and they made our time at the show a lot of fun. We walked away with so many new lionhead friends and a desire to serve on the NALRC board once we are eligible. This club is amazing, and we are so happy to be a part of it.
We didn’t have as much fun at this show, but it wasn’t because of the show, the host club, or the exhibitors themselves. It was because we found ourselves in an uncomfortable situation that caused us to scratch all of our entries and head home early. I won’t go into details, but I will say that this particular weekend was a lesson learned the hard way.
NYM – A Seal Senior Doe, did win Best of Variety at Nationals… so it wasn’t a total bust!
AVO – A Tort Senior Doe also won Best of Variety in the Dalton Triple Show B.
So we walked away from the weekend with two legs. We scratched all of entries for two of the other shows so that we could head home.
I will say that the best part of this entire weekend was the time spent with my best friend Ashleigh, from Sassy Fluff Farms, and her kids. We stopped off in Chattanooga to visit the Tennessee Aquarium. These are memories that I never want to forget.
We will definitely attend another Nationals show taking what we learned with us for next time. We are so blessed to be a part of a great rabbit club and breed!

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