After missing her last show and having her sister stand in for her, Peyton refused to miss the Hop Til Ya Drop show. We weren’t even sure if we were going to have much to put on the table for this show, because most of her rabbits decided to start molting. That is usually the way it goes right before a show, right?
Hop Til Ya Drop Show A under Judge Chris Hayhow
- MEE – A Seal Senior Buck won Best of Variety and Best Opposite Sex Breed out of 21 rabbits.
Hop Til Ya Drop Show B under Judge Jill Schmitt
- COO – a tort Senior doe, took Best Opposite Variety and Best Opposite Breed out of 24 entries.
Hop Til Ya Drop Show C under Judge Chris Hayhow
- MEE – a Seal Senior Buck, took Best Opposite Variety but no leg due to lack of entries.
- SFPOP – A Tort Junior Buck, took Best Opposite Variety out of 10 entries, and Best Opposite Breed out of 24 entries.
Hop Til Ya Drop Fluff Wars Specialty under Judge Jacinta Taulbee
- MEE – A Seal Senior Buck won Best Opposite Breed out of 22 entries
- NYM – A Seal Senior Doe won Best of Variety out of six entries.
- COO – A Tort Senior Doe won Best Opposite Variety out of 16 rabbits.
Hop Til Ya Drop Lionhead Specialty under Judge Allan Rafferty
- BUT – A Tort Senior Doe took Best Opposite Variety out of 20 rabbits
- SFPOP – A tort Junior Buck took Best Opposite Breed out of 29 rabbits
Again… I missed so many photo opportunities! But this time it was because I was too busy hanging out with my friends. It’s super nice when Peyton is there because she handles everything with the rabbits, and I get to sit back and enjoy the company of friends! And this show got a little hectic as well. It was not the smoothest show we’ve ever attended. There were a few things that we missed out on such as being able to put rabbits on the table for Best in Show or Best Opposite in Show due to a few things that should have been handled better by the show super. But hopefully they will do better next year.

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