We are a small family rabbitry located in Northwest Louisiana. We strive to breed rabbits that meet and exceed the ARBA standard of perfection. We don’t have a lot of rabbits for sale very often, but when I do list something for sale, it is something that I think might benefit someone else’s program. We were blessed enough to have a few people in the show world who were willing to take my daughter under their wing and mentor her. I only hope that I can pay that forward.
I am very honest in the descriptions about the rabbits that I have available. Not all of them will be competitive on the show table. Please read the descriptions carefully. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Please be sure to read our sales policy before purchasing any rabbit from us. Your payment of any rabbit from The Robin’s Nest means that you agree to the terms set in our sales policy.
Rabbits Available
Check Back Soon
We are currently breeding and growing out multiple litters of babies that we are hoping to take with us to the Lionhead Nationals Show in April. Check back with us in late March or early April to see what we may be letting go of before the show.
Do you know when you will have any lionhead bunnies available? My family and I are looking for one. Thank you
I am actually getting ready to list quite a few available. Find me on Facebook also.